The Deep South US Tour Pt5 – Madison, Mississippi

The trip really came to life in New Orleans, and I’m starting to feel more at home on the road, just as we did seven years ago. It’s those sensations that I’ve craved to experience again, where we constantly face something different and new, and life moves at a rapid pace where you can’t quite believe what’s just happened, and what’s coming up just around the corner. That’s not to say it isn’t gruelling. There’s little time for rest with the activities we have planned, the early get ups, and the long drives that take it out of you. On the surface this appears the trip of the lifetime. Don’t get me wrong, it really is, but you have to be prepared to put your body through its paces, and at times it does become a struggle. Our body clocks still haven’t fully acclimatised, which is a good thing, because the nights out end earlier, but so do the get-ups, so we’re naturally getting up in plenty of time for when we have to hit the road again.

New Orleans was especially strenuous having to cram as much into less than 48 hours as possible, so the fact we can chill for two nights in Madison, Mississippi, is a welcomed break before the trip starts to go into overdrive in the days that follow with Memphis and Nashville on the horizon.

When planning this trip at its inception, I looked at the map to see New Orleans to Memphis is a six-hour drive. I thought that was fine, but Suze pointed out that we pass through the heart of Mississippi, which I’d overlooked, so I set about looking for a suitable stopover. My Airbnb research led me to Madison, and a property that caught my eye that looked truly spectacular. Located in a quaint neighbourhood off the beaten track, situated by a reservoir that’s used for sailing and other water activities, this home looked incredible. So much so that I felt we needed two nights here to really absorb its magic.

I wasn’t wrong. This place was stunning, and as we crawled through the neighbourhood we couldn’t believe the size of the houses and how incredibly beautiful everything was. I said that where we stayed in Pensacola was one of the loveliest areas I’ve ever stayed in. I didn’t think it possible to experience something to dwarf that, but Jen and Pat’s home in Madison certainly delivered.

Jen is absolutely lovely. She’s from Louisiana, and once again personifies that Southern hospitality the folk pride themselves on. Our room is located on the west side of the “mansion” and is absolutely huge. We have the run of the whole wing, which boasts three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a study. It’s far bigger than our whole apartment back home. The house as a whole is enormous, featuring a massive outside decking, a firepit with deckchairs, and a veg patch. This all segregated by pathways and a lawn. It was National Lampoon’s on steds. To top it off they even have the most beautiful Golden Retriever called Rue, who is blind, but absolutely adorable... and let’s not forget the cat (I forget the name).

This part of the trip is a rest and relaxation period where we need to recuperate and recharge, so we stay local for food, driving five minutes down the road to a place called Pelican Cove, located by the reservoir. We’re back at a reasonable time and settle into our huge bed watching TV for a welcomed early night.

We take the opportunity to lie in the next day and go for a walk around lunchtime to truly soak up the elegant surroundings, walking through the estate admiring every house in complete awe that we pass. It’s just incredible to witness. We took the trail by the road that lead to a small park that eventually runs passed the reservoir (Ross R Barnett Reservoir…Google it). Jen had said that an alligator is sometimes seen by a nearby stream. I’m all for looking at gators in a controlled environment, but bollocks to one let loose snapping at my ankles as I’m trying to relax. Fortunately, Mr Gator didn’t make an appearance.

Feeling a bit peckish we head towards where we ate the previous night, but this time go to Cock of the Walk, a busy restaurant on the wate. It’s already filled with people at this time of the day… and we’re not even in tourist season. The meal was again absolutely huge, southern fried chicken with a choice of two sides, hushpuppies and cornbread…all for $33. Unbelievable!

After that we walked back and enjoy just being in our temporary abode. We don’t need to venture out, its an experience in itself staying at such a wonderful house. We planned to drive out a little later on to another nearby restaurant for food, but we were still stuffed from lunch, so we stayed in with a few beers, soaking up the lavish lifestyle. Jen did say that the place was ideal from a work point of view. As a writer, I fully agree with that statement. If I was a full-time writer I would definitely come here and be inspired to write whatever, how could you not? It’s an idyllic space for creativity.

Another early night was had, but it was necessary so that we could be ready for what’s going to be an intense upcoming four days of driving, activities, and new experiences. Thanks to Jen and Pat for a truly unique experience that exceeded our expectations for our stay in Mississippi.

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