The Deep South US Tour Pt1 – The Build Up

So, here we go again! Almost seven years after the road trip of a lifetime to the West of the US, we’re about to embark on yet another crazy adventure, but this time we’re heading to the Deep South.

The next epic travel journey in life is only a couple of days away, and it’s one that my third novel will be based on. As with the previous US road expedition, I’m hoping for a spark in creativity through this unique experience… meeting different people, delving into the nooks and crannies of some magical places, and soaking up the vibe to understand how blues, jazz and country music rose to prominence in this part of the world.

It feels just the right time for another road trip after the recent release of ‘Lost in Manchester, Tourin’ America’, the book that the first adventure was based on, but we were nowhere near ready to steal the glory from the Wild West trip seven years ago, so the best option was to visit Orlando, head north to Pensacola > New Orleans > Madison, Mississippi > Memphis > Nashville > Forsyth, Georgia > and end in Miami to stay with my cousin, for welcomed days of much needed rest and relaxation after covering thousands of miles.

After a snap decision at the end of January, we booked our flights, meaning only four weeks have passed since the initial booking to departure date. In the meantime, the challenge of sorting out a route, rental car, accommodation, and finding experiences within each destination has stretched my passion for travel planning. But I’m confident the schedule is going to be immense in the sixteen days we have available.

I can’t wait for it to start! Judging by the last US tour, I’m so excited to experience the same ethereal sensations again, whether it be the bustling cities, the quieter rural areas, or just the mesmeric landscapes that blew me away on every drive. It felt like the road was some sort of definition of home last time, and travelling soon became a way of life. The journey starts and ends in Orlando, with the bits in between being the real fun: the open road, the fulfilment of dreams, the weird and wonderful, the people, the culture, the food, the scenery, and the music…ALWAYS about the music…past and present and forever soulful! There is a fear to face in a completely unknown territory… but I’m ready!

Playlists are done… and are massively important to us on these trips, where the essence of each track heightens the atmosphere. It’s not just a collection of favourites. It’s more specific than that, mixing local and international bands/artists to create a potent formula to soundtrack the whole experience that’s suited to that part of the world.

One band that will be played for sure, joining us through the airways but not in physical form this time, are Mohawk Radio. My trusty co-pilot, Suze will be there for the ride once again though. For the purposes of the pending third book, ‘Cutthroat Shambles’ (as Mohawk Radio are known as in Lost in Manchester, Tourin’ America) will be there in spirit, provoking the back of my mind, conjuring up fictitious versions of stories that transpire, and perhaps being part of some of the actual events.

Ideas are formulating as to how the story of the third novel will go to complete the trilogy of the ‘Lost in Manchester…’ saga…but who knows… the events of this journey may change the story’s direction. Knowing what happened after the Wild West tour seven years ago, we will essentially be living in a book yet to be written.

I do hope these blogs bring our trip to life for you when they are posted. My final words on the matter will be how I ended the series of blogs seven years ago. The same words and approach to life still applies:

Life is not about working, paying bills, then dying. It’s about experiences and creating memories that will last forever. This is what life is meant for!


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